I love my family and deardeer

This is a record of my life from the day I started my treatments for stage 3c cancer.

Friday, January 06, 2006

06/01/06 BETTER MOOD

HA! I've got a web log counter yesterday by the way...not exactly to count how many times my blog is being accessed cos don't think its reliable. After all a daily counter makes much more sense than the one I put in right? Anyone knows how to get a daily counter? The point is...the counter I have is so pretty!!!!!! In the exact right colours! Yeah! *sense of achievement*

Meimei came home from school early to shield me from mum's temper but mum's already gone to the facial salon for massage and sauna session. So meimei's stuck reading The Chronicles Of Narnia.

Outside United Square where the taxi stand is, there's these row of little rubber tongue-like things . My guess is, those are lame efforts to try to keep taxis inside the yellow line from swerving out prematurely and hitting those on-call taxis (like the one u see in the pic) or private cars that stop outside the yellow line.

Those little rubber tongues work very hard, especially the first one in the line. It often gets squashed by taxis' wheels when impatient can drivers turn out into the second lane acutely. However, being a strong rubbery tongue with a mission, it always bounces back quickly with fierce energy.

I was honoured to witness the brave sacrifice of that faithful rubber tongue.


One of the few taxis before mine was impatiently turning out, making no effort to avoid this poor fellow. At that precise moment, lightning flashed across the angry sky, with the rain pouring, that little rubber tongue SNAPPED. I waited a while for it to bounce back to life but it totally seemed impossible.

With thunder rumbling in the distance, I actually witnessed the whole murder took place and promptly snapped this picture with my handphone. So I wonder, has that tongue served its purpose? In the first place does it have a purpose!!?! It's a bit like a human though, u push it, squash it, poke it everyday and it just snaps one fine day. GREAT.


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